Sunday, July 31, 2016

year in review 2016

looking back over this last year, both documented here on the blog and things that weren't mentioned, there were many amazing highs and the darkest of lows- overall I'd have to say 2016 was good to us.  my girls grew tremendously in the last 12 months and, in turn, Jordan and I have grown in our parenting walk. 
basically winging it on a day to day basis:)
we spent this holiday weekend relaxing, lounging, eating, and staying in our pjs for most of the day.  
I like the way our year has started.  
with that.. lets rewind through 2016, shall we?
Baker turned 6 whole months old, started eating solid foods and went on her very first road trip.
Parker + Jolie visited the dentist for the first time
..and we celebrated papa's retirement from the fire department.
we made a little update to a tiny unused space in our home
we celebrated valentine's day with a family date night 

..and took a trip to Belton to visit Jordan's Granny + Woogie
Jordan turned 34!
Jesus filled my heart and new friends filled my soul in a weekend at hope spoken.
..and Jordan added our two angel babies to the tattoo collection growing on his arm.
we rounded out the month with Baker's first Easter 
 Grayson's first sleepover with Honey and Dude
we trampled bluebonnets..
..and Parker got bangs!
we visited the zoo
  danced in the streets of an art festival for an early boost into the Spring season!
viva la Mexico, ya'll.  we took our first trip solo since the twins were about 8 months old!
it was THE best time with my man.
meanwhile auntie and uncle J got a taste for life with four kids.
we made a trip to the ballpark with our favorite people

 swam the muddy waters of lake Nocona. 
 and Baker took her first boat ride
 built bird houses with dad! 
 we celebrated the 4th for an entire weekend with family + our closest friends, swimming, big fireworks and one million glow sticks.

 speaking of celebrations..July also marked some huge milestones ::
Big G turned ONE!! 

..and Baker's Berry Sweet celebration followed
 ..and Oscar found himself a home- he was the perfect addition to our family! 
we found out shortly after Baker's birthday (like.. days) we were expecting baby number four!
family dates were becoming a regular thing for this crew of soon to be SIX!
..we ended the perfect summer with a night out with the big girls! 
GAH I cannot get over the cuteness of this picture.
september was a complete whirlwind!
Parker + Jolie started preschool 3's!
..we announced publicly to our friends and family that we were expecting!!
..and that baby number 4 is a BOY!
..AND after over 4 years of emails, texts, and FaceTime we finally brought PA to TX.
..oh, and this gal (me) turned 32:)
we kicked off the first month of fall with all the pumpkins
nana + duke came to visit ..
..took a trip to the arboretum
we started patching Baker's eye for muscle strengthening..
AND spent a super fun halloween with friends
we made our first trip to visit my parents since before my kids were born.
and we took the girls to the Texas State Fair for the first time!!
celebrated a low key Thanksgiving
..and we finally decided on a name for baby boy
P+J turned FOUR!
..and we celebrate with the most fun paint party with all our little friends.
let the christmas festivities commence!  I love this time of year!
supper club carriage ride- that is DEFinitely going to be an annual thing.
.. and we baked sugar cookies for Santa.
Christmas morning was just amazing!
I cannot express how incredible Christmas is with kiddos.

Happy New Year!
we rang in the new year spending the day at home.  we started the day with sugary treats, watched movies, took naps, and slowly disassembled christmas from our house.
the girlies ended their night (early) with a bubble bath, chocolate milk, and an episode of Mickey Mouse.
Jordan picked up sushi from a local place we frequent and rented a movie on demand..which ended just in time for us to watch the ball drop in New York.
..and for me to hop into bed shortly thereafter.
crazy night over here, y'all:) but I wouldn't want it any other way.
cheers to our best nine from instagram over the last year..
2017!  you are going to be a good one:)

year in review
2015 // 2014 // 2013 // 2012 // 2011 // 2010

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