Saturday, September 17, 2016

10 on 10 May 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

This week has been C-R-A-Z-Y.
One of those weeks where you look at the calendar to see everything that is going on/scheduled and you think to yourself "How I am I going to get through this week?"
We had STAR testing at school which meant I was working until 3pm on Monday & Wednesday.
There was doctors appointments, T-Ball, Daisy's & I had a photo shoot for our babysitter's senior pics. We had construction going on in our backyard and the kids haven't been able to play in our backyard for the past week, so things have just been a little nutty.
Then, Claire comes down with a fever Thursday night, so Kevin stayed home with her today and as of this afternoon, Luke has a fever as well. 

Here is a snapshot of our day. Our crazy, yet normal day.

{My 4th Quarter Progress Report Grades were due Thursday afternoon. Who didn't get them submitted because she thought they were due Friday? This girl. Totally panicked at school this morning when I realized I mixed up the dates. Thankfully I was able to turn them in late. But, that was not good on my part. UGH. Is it summer yet?}

{It was Teacher Appreciation Week, so today our Principal had lunch for us. He had a freaking TACO TRUCK come to our school!!!!! It was AWESOME. So good. For Kevin's 40th birthday party (in a few years) I am going to have this Taco Truck come to our house & have tacos in the front yard and a margarita machine in the backyard. I got the Taco Truck guy's business card today.  Can't WAIT.}

{Posters up in my room. My students finished up a fun Graphing Weather Project. I had them find the high temperature in 20 different cities across the USA on the day they were born & after they collected that data, they had to make some graphs/data displays of the Eastern & Western temperatures. Nerd Alert :It was a really fun project}

{After I picked up Luke from my mom's she told me he was "off" today. I took his temp & sure enough, it was 101. Luke & I headed out to get some infant Tylenol & Advil. I picked up a few other things as well. Please note the 2 containers of Talenti gelatto (YUM!!!!) and the wine. Necessary.}

{For a few new flowers to plant in our yard. I love going to the nursery. It's so peaceful}

{Kate is a master at puzzles (she got that gene from Kevin also). She will sit for hours & put together puzzles.}

{The new cement in our backyard. They finished up today. The cement is still drying! So thankful the project is done. Can't wait to show you guys Before & After pics. There used to be dirt & trees along the fence}

So, there you have it.
A sneak peak at some of the moments in our day.
So, so, so happy it's the weekend!
Hoping the fevers go away & no one else gets sick.
Ain't nobody got time for THAT!
Especially when it's Mother's Day Weekend!
Happy 10th AND Happy Friday!

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