Friday, September 30, 2016

valentines day throw back

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I think JoJo was tipping the scales at 6 pounds and the dark hair that covered their newborn head was slowly starting to fall out and replaced with a strawberry blonde color for Jolie and a dirty blonde for Parker.
omg... I just cant. 
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those jammies.
baby hairs.
so much sugar!
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giving me such trouble- they ganged up on me every day.  but I could never (and still cant!) resist those toothy grins + squinty eyes.
give them all the ponies + pounds of candy for breakfast.
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my sweet giggly girls in all their sister glory.
I thought they were SO big then..
 ..and a TEENY Baker Bree
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basically my house is run by that one in the middle.
she has no idea what she's in for in the next, oh, 6 weeks or so.
we have no real plans for this valentine's day. the twins have a little party at school that we will swing by to celebrate with them.  before that we might hit up a patio for lunch with miss Baker, and there will probably be chips and salsa involved.
for dinner I've got verde salsa chicken in the crock pot for a repeat of street tacos from last week, per the hubby's request.  
for reference: green verde salsa + 2lbs chicken breast on LOW for 6 hours in the crock pot.
shred and mix in your favorite toppings (we like fresh pico + crumbled feta) and throw on a tortilla.
we'll probably watch a DVR'd train wreck Bachelor episode and head to bed before 9pm.

fine by me.
theres no one I would rather do this life with than those three girls above and my sweet guy by my side.
I wouldn't change a thing. 

happy valentine's day!

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