Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy FOURTH Birthday Truman!

To the boy that made me a mother four years ago:

I love you so much, buddy!! Can't remember a time without you and wouldn't want to, really. I vividly remember the day you were born (for many reasons) and it seems strange that it was ONLY four years ago. You are the best. You keep us on our toes. We love watching you grow up and can't wait to see what's in store for us with this next year of your life.

I will do an official 'what you are up to' post soon. But for today, on your actual birthday (and the day of your party!), I just wanted to say that I LOVE YOU.

Here is your slideshow I made from the past year of 'real' pictures. I wasn't sure I had taken enough of you to do one this year but sure enough, it's 5 minutes long.

Truman 4 year slideshow from Julia H. on Vimeo.

And here is your four year old interview. It was a bit of a fiasco to get you to focus for this many questions (NINE!) and we did have to start and stop one time when you were randomly touching your sister's face in a menacing way. Oh, my Truman. You are one of a kind.

Truman 4 year interview from Julia H. on Vimeo.

Love you, big man!
xo Mommy

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