Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Porter One Month
P-man is one month old today!!
I just did a fairly detailed Four Week post, so today will be pictures and a quick update from his doctor's appointment.

Weight: 10lbs 3oz (exactly the same at Truman at one month! To the ounce!) and 60th percentile
Height: 21.75" (a smidge taller than his siblings were, but these length measurements are a joke) and 60th percentile
Head: 39cm (93rd percentile). No clue he had a big head.
Happy, healthy, alert, and stared down the doctor the entire visit.

Still has an intense hatred for car seats, being asked to sleep on a flat surface, and today he didn't want to nap for more than 10 minutes at a time.

But the boy loves to be held, he loves his pacifier and to nurse (but he seems like a snacker lately), and is still sleeping really well at night by our standards (3-5 hour stretches, up just twice).

He still has a striking resemblance to his brother and now that I know they are the exact same size, it makes him seem even more like a little Truman. But still, Porter is totally his own little dude in looks and personality. And his baby acne takes the cake for hitting the hardest and the soonest. My little pizza face. Maybe cradle cap is right around the corner so we can get all of the pathetic-ness out of the way.

Porter has a big sister and a big brother who are completely obsessed with him. The poor kid is never going to be such a little pansy with these two protecting him at all times. Love it.

And the photo shoot outtakes are just as hilarious as the decent shots...

But then there is this one, and I just die over these three kids. Cannot believe they are ours. And yes, thank goodness I put them all in their shirt when I did...Porter was making those onesie snaps scream in defiance.

Porter, it seems like you've been a part of our crazy family forever and we love having you here with us. You are pretty freaking fantastic. I can't stop smelling your head and kissing your cheeks and marveling over your little body. Even when you are screaming like you are being tortured we love you to pieces. There aren't words, really, so I'll stop now. I just love you so much my heart could actually burst at times.
Keep growing, mister man. You're the best.
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