Wednesday, October 26, 2016

For the Win!

For the Win has been my new favorite saying for the past few months.
"For the Win" is also known as "FTW".
Occasionally, I would see people post FTW on their Facebook status updates & I had no idea what it meant.
Finally, after a month or 2, my curiosity got the best of me & I finally googled what FTW meant.
I found out it was "For the Win", like when something awesome happens, you end it with FTW!

So, here are a few things I have declared "For the Win" over the last few weeks.
(And, yes....many times I shout out For the Win! when no one else is around. It's fun. Try it sometime.)

First up...Starbucks opened up a new store a few minutes from our house. This shopping center opened up 3 years ago & there wasn't a coffee shop. Kevin & I have been saying for 3 years that they need a coffee shop and FINALLY Starbucks opened earlier this month. Last weekend we rode our bikes with the girls to it & it only took 6 minutes door to door......FTW!
The girls hadn't been to the dentist in over 2 years because our last experience was HORRID. I found a new dentist for them & this place is AMAZING. Both girls loved it & happily had their teeth cleaned. They had no cavities and the girls want to brush AND floss everyday now.....FTW!
I was cleaning out one of my old purses that I hadn't used in a year & guess what I found in one of the pockets? $40! FTW!
I won a giveaway on Kate's blog for a $40 credit to Crystal B's etsy shop.
My earrings & necklace came last week and I am wearing the earrings today!
Winning a giveaway & getting cute jewelry, FTW!
(image via crystal b's shop)

For over a year, I have been looking for an old fashioned wooden high chair that I can spray paint & use for photo shoots (for 1st birthday shoots) I have been searching & searching to no avail. I had pretty much given up. Then, out of the blue, earlier this month, I was driving to a bridal shower & I was running late. I was at a stop sign and to my left was a garage sale. (Side note: I have never been to a garage sale) As I am waiting at the stop sign, I see THE HIGHCHAIR that I have been looking for. But, I was running late to the bridal shower, so I knew I couldn't stop & I kept driving. Then, I came to my senses 30 seconds later, flipped an illegal U-turn and drove back to the garage sale. I asked how much she was asking for the highchair. She said $50. All I had was a $20. She accepted!!!
Highchair, FTW!!!!!!!! (can't wait to spray paint it!)
And, I must say, Crockt-ober was FTW for sure!

Every night this week, I am making a crock pot recipes. Thanks to everyone who linked up, there are over 35 crockpot recipes on the link up! Check them out!

Pumpkin Ice Cream from Trader Joes. Need I say more? FTW.
Several years ago, Milky Way came out with Simply Caramels. They were so good. Just chocolate & caramel. They lasted 1 year & then I could never find them again. That is until earlier this month. They are BACK! Milky Way, FTW!
We finally cut our homegrown pumpkin off the vine. This was our first time growing a pumpkin & it is huge! Homegrown Pumpkin, FTW!
It is ridiculous how long Claire's eyelashes are. She inherited them from Kevin.
Long eyelash genes, FTW!
Leaves turning orange & yellow and crunchy leaves on the ground?
Fall is here....FTW!
Last week, Claire's Cowgirl Party was featured on Apartment Therapy's Ohdeedoh site. FTW!
Also last week, the girls were sick & I had to take an impromptu day off work.
We hung out in our jammies until 11 am & did crafts. Lazy morning, FTW!
Claire still wasn't feeling well this weekend, so she stayed home with Kevin while Kate & I had a date day on Saturday. We headed to the Pumpkin Jubilee in our town. Quality 1 on 1 time with my oldest, FTW!
Kate (wearing last year's pumpkin shirt) sat at this table & we crafted for almost an hour. FTW!
I went to Joann's to get some fabric to make new pumpkin Tshirt's for the girls. It was crowded. I pulled number 91 for the cutting table when they were on number 68. It could have been a FAIL to wait that long, but while we were waiting, the nice lady in front of me gave me a 50% off coupon, so I got a yard of fabric for less than $2.00, FTW!
Sunday was spent dealing with 2 little girls who were still sick with nasty croupy coughs. Luckily, our doctor's office is open on the weekend & we got right in. FTW!
I have been wanting to see Bridesmaids since it was in the theaters, but we never saw it. I have been trying to get it at Redbox, but it is always sold out. Finally got it this weekend. Rebdbox $1.00 rentals, FTW!
And, there anything better by crawling into your bed with shaved legs & clean sheets? FTW!
Anything make you exclaim, For the Win! lately?

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