Monday, October 17, 2016

Guest Room Makeover!

It's (basically) done!  We finally have ONE guest bedroom that is complete.  Never thought I would see the day!  Remember the before?  It looks so much more finished now and is much cuter in person than in pictures.  Come stay over and see! :)  Really the only people that use this room are my parents and my bro/SIL/nephew when they come into town.  Hope you guys like the changes!

The only things we had to do since Nate had already painted was to hang a few things we already owned but were in closet storage/not in use.  Nate had some old Ikea canvases that are in grey tones so they work in here.  We love how the bedding is so powerful that everything else needs to be muted around it.


We also have this massive mirror I had in my bedroom in my old condo and it matches the nightstand/dresser, so up it went!

Gotta love the heater blanket cord.  At least guests are warm!

The one purchase (other than the paint) was the floating shelves set from Target.  They came with frames, so of course we had to use pictures of the little girls.  They are stainless looking, but in here they just look grey which works.


Possible additions: still hunting for a different lampshade, a few decorative pillows, and maybe a cute valance for the two windows.  But I would basically say this room is DONE!  Check!

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