Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Guest Blogging Opportunities This Summer

It has come to my attention that we have kind of a crazy summer planned here at our house. It is crazy in a good way, but still crazy. As a result, it dawned on me that I should consider opening up my blog to feature some new voices.

A few years back I had the opportunity to guest post on The Mom Pledge Blog when she opened up her website for a similar reason. I jumped at the chance and it was a really fun experience. I garnered some new readers for my own blog, got a little exposure and as a result, met some new people I still occasionally exchange emails with today.

So after much discussing with The Husband, who is annoyingly right in almost all things (although please don't actually tell him I told you this, because he will be even more unbearable than he already is) I have decided to take his suggestion to accept guest authors here at The Two-Penny Soapbox this summer.

If you have an idea about parenting, culture, making work easier for families, elder care, primary caregiver responsibilities, adoption, or anything else you think might be a good fit here, send me an email with "The Two-Penny Soapbox Idea" as your subject line:

I would love to add some new perspectives and new visions and I am happy to share my soapbox to do so.

So, send in your ideas and let me know. I am only looking for between 4-8 pieces and I will be doing them on a first-come-first-serve basis, so don't wait.

And if not, stay tuned, keep reading and have an amazing summer!

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