Thursday, July 20, 2017

Henrys hankerings

Hello, blog world. I heard some of you want me to have my own day on the blog and that's really cool and all, but I'm an extremely busy dog. I have to get my 12 hour nap each day but I suppose I can humor you this week at least. My mom added a few pictures of me when I was just a pup---a few weeks old, to be exact---because she knows you like pictures in posts.

Not too much new in my life. Mom keeps talking about the kitchen and how she's so happy she could just puke. Dad found a new hobby fit for geriatrics....he now likes to do jigsaw puzzles in his spare time. He just finished one of a farm and it's really ugly and boring. And me? I'm perfecting the art of barking at nothing while staring out the window. My big brother Sammy starts barking downstairs and that makes me want to bark, so I do, and then my parents scream at me to stop. This happens about ten times a night. It's so much fun.
Oh, and my other Grandma is coming on Friday! I'm going to lick her face for about twenty minutes straight. My mom says she might not be able to blog for awhile when Grandma is here, but don't worry because I'm sure she'll have plenty of pictures to share on Monday when she's off work. She's a psycho with that damn camera.
Also, mom has a continuing education course tomorrow for twelve hours straight. She's complaining about that already in anticipation. She has to go again on Friday but only for six hours, which is still better than working I guess. One thing that made her happy today was writing out the check for their wedding photo DVD, which she's been coveting for almost a year. This is a very big step in my parent's lives and I can't wait to sniff the album when it's done.

Oh, and they've been scouring the internet all the freaking time looking for the perfect vacation spot. Apparently they're looking into every city in the USA and even some in Mexico. I'm secretly ticked off they aren't taking me on the trip, so I might drop a mad deuce on their bed tonight to prove my disdain.

Okay, back to my life now. I'm trying to get my favorite ball freed from under the couch. I just whine until my parents can't take it anymore and then they'll get it for me. I totally own them.

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