Sunday, July 23, 2017

Week In Pictures

Recent happenings through the eyes of my phone camera.

I'm back to regular polish and it feels so good!  One of my favorites - OPI Sapphire in the Snow.

A few weeks ago we transitioned Bradley from being swaddled in the swing, to flat back in the bassinet and with the help of Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit we have had extreme success!  Parent win!

Shameful selfie - but Kelly at Brogan Skinworks is a genius with crappy brows like mine!  If you are even half as brow obsessed as I am and live in the Twin Cities you are silly to not be going to her!  

Sweet little man with Grandma after a bath.

These two have been amazing me - blossoming friendship!!

I think I giggled for a solid 45 minutes over this!  And I am guilty of it, too! :)

Lindsey took some super fun pics of my friend Michelle for her cupcake business!  Dying to see the final pics!!

Sprinkles turned 7 a few weeks ago!  My little love!

Baby carrier fail.  I need a class on how to use these things (don't worry - he was out in about 30 seconds).

Surprise treats from my friend/neighbor Nicole to brighten a bad day.  So grateful for sweet friends!

The Christmas jammies are out in full effect! :)

Of course my jammies have been holiday themed, too!

So have my mom's! :)

I need to post my Christmas decor pics!  It is very festive in our home!!

Love having pics of my boys in my cube. :)

Bradley's first El Toro experience! :)  Had to snap a pic before we got him out of his carrier because he looked too cute.

Love love love this from the Paper Source catalog.  Real families come in all forms!

We had a bit of a Santa fail with our holiday pics...

Love any and all moments I can get with my mini man.

Holiday socks and a messy nursery.  Typical.

The Freddy's eating has been out of control...

Somebody is loving Sophie!

All bundled up!

Sprinkles always has her eyes on me. :)

Sweetest little sleeping face.

Playing with daddy!  And daddy getting lick attacked by the girls! :)

3 month pics!  

Kisses from daddy!

New nap spot - in my work bag!

Snuggle man.

Love capturing classic faces like this! :)

The perfect Starbucks ornament for me!  I am an unsweetened black iced tea drinker so I love having the cold cup ornament! :)

Outfit planning for daycare!

Caught him sucking on the same two fingers I did as a baby!

My heart. <3

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