Monday, August 14, 2017

TV time

Nate and I really don't watch much television, which is why we got rid of cable earlier this year. As long as we still have PBS kids, The Today Show, the news, and Nate's mysterious way to get ESPN through the computer (or something), we are good. Don't miss it at all.

Plus, we got Netflix for $8/month and let me tell you something: I think Netflix makes us watch even more TV than cable ever did. Even with DVR, we just never watched anything. Now with Netflix we sill use those golden hours when the kids are both sleeping to watch some shows. Not every night but if we find a show that is like crack, then watch out. We'll squeeze in a few episodes a night, no problem.

Since I feel like 'watching shows' is kind of a new and exciting thing for us, I wanted to list out what we've been watching (as our minds rot away, staring at the boob tube). ;)

1. Downton Abbey.
OMG, I loved it so much that I would dream about it at night. All three seasons were majorly addicting to me. Nate stuck around for about two episodes before he bowed out, but I was hooked from about the third episode on. So many interesting characters and a great plot, plus I find the Brits and that time period in general super fascinating. Matthew is also freaking H-O-T-T and I'm obsessed with old lady Grantham. I won't spoil anything here, but that final episode? Heartbreaking and troubling and literally, I could not sleep the night after watching it. I believe they are coming out with the next season in January and since it's on PBS I plan to watch it real time. But I'm skeptical, to say the least, considering the last episode.

2. Breaking Bad.
Nate and I both started watching this beginning at season one, probably around the time I also started watching Downton. I stuck around for the first season and then found it deeply disturbing and could not stomach seasons 2-4. Nate watched those on his own and admitted it was super slow but 'awesome'. Eventually, maybe around the first part of season 5, I was lured back to the show and started watching again. I told Nate if there were any more mass murders set to opera music I was done. But I got hooked again. We watched the final season (number 5, part two) somewhat live---we bought a 'season pass' and could watch it Monday night after each episode aired on Sundays. Gah, that show gets me. It was so good, so horrifying, so complex, and pretty much awesome. I guess you get used to the drugs and the gore and the evil parts of it along the way. Nate and I were both somewhat depressed when it was over. For real. Jesse and Walt are two characters that cannot be matched. And Hank! Ah, this show.

3. Orange is the New Black.
We stumbled upon this one after Breaking Bad, as we were trying to fill that hole in our hearts for a good show. There is only one season out so far and we blew through it pretty quickly. The first episode was kind of shocking but again, I guess you get used to scandal as a show goes along. Loved these characters so much and all of their back stories. The final episode was not my fave and was pretty disturbing, since I much preferred the show when it was funny as opposed to dramatic. If they ever do come out with a  season 2 we will watch it, though. Love Piper and Alex so much (separately and also together).

4. Mad Men.
This was one that a lot of people recommended and we have watched the first season and a few episodes for the second. Nate thinks it's way too slow but I'm not ready to totally give up on it just yet. Kind of a cool time period and I want to keep watching to see what happens with all of these characters. But for now we are taking a break with this (bye, Don Draper, you are so freaking attractive) because we started...

5. Friday Night Lights.
My parents loved this show when it originally aired in 2006, and a few of my friends also swear by it. So we watched the first two episodes last night and I think we are hooked! This show reminds me of my high school in small town MO, to a degree. The football team was definitely held up as semi-gods in our town although our players were NOT as gorgeous as these guys. And our Missouri accents weren't as thick as Texans but still---reminds me of home in a way;) The only complaint I have is the shaky camera shooting. It made me feel a little ill to watch it bounce around like that but maybe I will get used to it. Because I'm sure we will watch another few episodes this weekend.

Anyone watch these and love/hate them? What else do we need to add to our list, now that we are officially TV-ers? Pretty Little Liars? New Girl? Portlandia? Chuck? (Nate loved this one back in the day). Dexter? Any suggestion must be found on Netflix or we are out. Of course, if Netflix hooks us with one season and then doesn't have the rest (i.e. Downton) I wouldn't be opposed to buying the other seasons, too.

How about that for a deep post?? ;)

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