Thursday, August 10, 2017

Favorite Recipes Daily Delicious Whole Wheat Bread

We absolutely devour this delicious recipe from and after trying a few different bread recipes that I found elsewhere prior to this one, this recipe instantly became a family favorite - we LOVE it!  We make this recipe to have with our Green Smoothies in the mornings for breakfast. - YUM.  (Have I said that already? *laugh!*) These rolls don't even need butter!  And they're so good for us!  100% whole wheat, yet still chewy and yummy!

The author of Home With Purpose, Kara gives great step-by-step directions with photos in her post, Bread Baking with Fresh Ground Flour 101.  She does not, however, list the ingredients in a list by themselves (they're listed through out the recipe post), or break the recipe down in to smaller ones, so I've done that for myself and for you here.  *smile*

I encourage you to go to her blog to see all of her great photos if you're a newbie bread-maker like me.  *wink*  I broke down her giant recipe (7 loaves) in to a half recipe, and a quarter recipe which we used when we were initially making the recipe by hand.  Then we got to purchase (used, off of Craig's List!) a 6 quart Kitchen Aid stand mixer which can do the entire 7-loaf recipe worth of dough at once.  Awesome.  So here are all three sizes of Kara's recipe:

Full Recipe (62 rolls or loaves)
  • Hot water, 6 c.
  • Coconut oil (I use olive), 1-1/3 c.
  • Honey, 1-1/2 c.
  • Eggs (optional), 2
  • Salt, 2-2/3 Tbl.
  • Yeast, 4 Tbl.
  • Whole wheat flour (finely ground), 16 c.
  • Flax seed (optional), 2 c.

Half Recipe (30 rolls or loaves)
  • Hot water, 3 c.
  • Coconut oil (I use olive), 1/2 c. + 3 Tbl.
  • Honey, 3/4 c.
  • Eggs (optional), 1
  • Salt, 1 Tbl. + 1 tsp.
  • Yeast, 2 Tbl.
  • Whole wheat flour (finely ground), 8 c.
  • Flax seed (optional), 1 c.

Quarter Recipe (15 rolls or 2 loaves)
  • Hot water, 1 + 1/2 c.
  • Coconut oil (I use olive), 1/3 c.
  • Honey, 1/4 + 1/8 c.
  • Eggs (optional), 1/2
  • Salt, 2 tsp.
  • Yeast, 1 Tbl.
  • Whole wheat flour (finely ground), 4 c.
  • Flax seed (optional), 1/2 c.

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Combine in the mixer the hot water, oil, honey, eggs, salt, and yeast.  (Coconut oil is far better for you, I just haven't purchased any yet, and olive oil tastes great to us *smile*)
  • Add about 12-14 c. flour to the mixer and mix on low speed for about 30 seconds.  Continue adding the flour slowly in about 1/2 c. increments until the dough begins to ball up and "clean" the sides of the bowl.
  • Let mixer knead for about 5 min. (Kara kneads with her mixer 12 min. with a different brand of mixer) while I clean up the kitchen.
  • If the dough seems sticky, let it "rest" for 5 min., if not begin shaping the rolls and/or loaves.  Place on to a greased pan.
  • Tip:  We have found that our rolls rise the most when the dough is first placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. I know, doesn't make sense to put it somewhere cold rather than somewhere warm, but we discovered this works best on accident once.  We grease a very large bowl, place the dough inside and then spray some Cling Wrap with non-stick spray as well and coverWe let it rise in the refrigerator 20 min. and then shape the rolls after that.  The instructions, however, say to allow to rise for 20 min. until they double in size.  You'll have to experiment, I guess, as to which one works best for the climate in which you live.
  • Bake at 350 for 20-25 min.  Tear open one roll to check for doneness.  
  • To make sure the crust stays soft, brush butter on the top of each loaf and roll after they're baked.
  • We leave some rolls out for the next morning's breakfast, but freeze the rest in gallon-size Ziplock baggies to have through out the week.  I set out one baggie each night to thaw for us to enjoy in the morning.  This large recipe serves our family of 11 one roll each daily for a week.
Tips from Karen, our daughter who loves to bake these rolls for us every week -
* Don't grease/butter your hands too much when forming the dough in to balls or the rolls then slide and flatten out more while rising/baking.  If the dough is stickier, they stay rounder better.

* If you pre-measure all of the flour in to a bowl before adding it gradually to the stand mixer then you don't have to try to keep track of how much you're adding as you go along; you can relax knowing that the flour has been measured accurately, all you have to do is add it gradually.

Blessings on your family's health,

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Favorite Recipes - Green Smoothies for More Energy and Clarity
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