Thursday, December 1, 2016

Four Generations Vintage Goodies

Earlier this week we ventured to the Central Valley for a couple days to visit my Grammy.
Here are 4 Generations...Grammy, my mom, me & my two girls.
Grammy will be 99 this October & she still lives by herself!
Grammy is an amazing woman & I am blessed to have her in my life.
Grammy's house is full of vintage goodies.
She has saved so many neat things over the years & still has them at her house.
Remember these old school little people?
As we were leaving, Grammy told me she wanted to give me some things to take home.
She handed me a gift that she had wrapped.
Inside, was an old vintage camera from the 1930's that was my Grandfathers.
The camera is a total antique, it took awhile for me to figure out how to open it:
Once I opened it, I had to turn a little crank & the lens popped out.
This camera is so cool & I will treasure it forever! I wonder if there is vintage film that I could use to see if it still works!
Other vintage goodies she sent me home with were this Old School Ragedy Ann doll. I don't even know how old it is.
And, this awesome yellow chair that used to be my mom's when she was a little girl.
Grammy said it was from a one room school room in Colorado & that is why she wanted me to have it.
This little chair is AWESOME! I can't wait to use it for some photo shoots!
And, don't be surprised if I switch out the paint color of it from time to time!

Here is Grammy with all her great-grandchildren:
To read more about Grammy & see her vintage goodness, click on this post!

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