Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Its Fall But its not

According to my calendar, today is the first day of Fall!
But, according to the weather man, Fall it was not.
Check out our temperatures this past week:
This week was the hottest week we have had all summer.
So Crazy. I am OVER it. Once school starts, I am in Fall mode & these summer temperatures have been messing with me! Ha!
The good thing about the warm weather we have had most of September has meant that our garden is still flourishing. I am still getting tons of tomatoes!
We decided this week to finally cut our 1 watermelon off the vine & eat it!
It was HUGE! And, so heavy. I wasn't sure what to expect when I cut it open.
But, lo and behold, we actually grew a legit watermelon!
The girls were so excited to taste it (and so was I!) It was delicious!
They were a little leary of the seeds. They had never seen seeds in watermelon before.
This made me realize that all the watermelon at the stores are seedless now. When I was a kid they didn't have seedless. I had to teach them how to spit out the watermelon seeds.
Another perk about the 95 + degree heat we have been having this week is that we have gotten to swim almost everyday. Tonight we swam until bedtime because it hasn't been cooling down at night. It was still 90 degrees at 6:30. Yuck!
I enjoyed a glass of wine while watching everyone else swim. A great way to spend a Friday night!
As nice as it is to sit outside at night with a glass of wine by the pool, I am over this heat!
I am longing for cooler weather, the brisk Fall air, colorful leaves & pumpkins on my front porch.
I am ready to bust out my boots, scarves & sweaters and decorate my house with my Fall decor. I just can't do that when it is 90 degrees out. It just feels wrong.

Come quickly "real" Fall. You are my favorite time of year!

Hope you have a great first weekend of Fall.
I am heading to So Cal for a girls weekend at Julie's house for Blog Sugar. (She is one of the speakers) I can't wait!

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