Saturday, December 17, 2016


Everyone knows I can be a bit anal at times. Okay, severely anal to the point that I annoy myself. It makes me want to gouge out my own eyes with a spoon and I can only blame both of my parents for this trait. :)

So spending one entire car ride [6 hours] writing down words for my business wouldn't cut it in my world. No, I had to spend a good portion of my day on Saturday doing the same thing but with the almighty internet backing me up this time.

I Googled names I like to see if they are taken. I thought out loud. I hurt my brain a little bit. And I thoroughly irritated my husband [score 10 points!]

Here is what I have to show for it:
Let me elaborate on the part about annoying Nate [the best part]. After spending way too much time asking, "What about ______" inserting two completely unrelated words into the blanks, Nate cracked. He did. He really lost it and I find that amusing.

N: "JULIA. I cannot keep telling you that I like all of your options. When will you stop this madness?"
J: "What about Pink Icing? I like icing on cakes and it's kind of like the icing on top of a wedding day."
N: [in a mocking tone] "What about Pink Pepperoni and Sausage? I like pizza. And what about Pink Chocolate? I like both of those."
J: "Okay, knock it off. I get it, dude."
N: [again, mocking me] "What about Pink Nipple? Or Tainted Pink?" [I will not give him the satisfaction of responding to these.]
J: "Seriously. Here is my list, what do you think?" [shoving both mega lists under his nose.]
N: "I HATE Pink Bliss. That is so incredibly gay. I hate it."
J: "All the more reason to choose that one, my dear."

No but really, I have issues with the name game. It's such an important step and I want to get it right.

And now I present to you more options, my friends. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy. OR just vote for your favorite. Whatever suits your fancy.

1. Sweetie Pink [or Sweetly Pink]

2. The Pink Giraffe [Nate has always said I resemble a giraffe. I'd probably have to add 'studios' to the name because the simple version is already taken.]

3. The Pink Lime [something about this one makes me thirsty and I envision a fabulous website]

4. Citrus Pink [technically there is a design firm in London with this name but it doesn't have the little copyrighted sign next to it. Does that mean I'm okay?]

5. The Pink Pair [because my metro hubby likes to wear pink as much as me, let's get real. I really wanted it to be The Pink Pear but that one is for sure taken.]

6. Twist of Pink [reminds me of a fruity drink. Do you see a theme here? Fruit and the color pink?]

7. Shiny Pink Designs [meh.]

8. Framed in Pink or The Pink Frame [the only one with some sort of link to albums]

9. The Pink J

10. [or one without my color, and rather boring but professional] Defining Life Album Design

I know, I know, it's overwhelming. And it's not that I don't love the ones you mentioned in comments last time. But nothing has hit me like a ton of bricks. It's kind of like finding your soul mate, or your wedding dress.....aren't you supposed to 'just know?'

I never bought that crock before. So I don't know why I'm so indecisive now. Probably because I'm a tiny bit insane:)

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