Monday, December 5, 2016

These Shoes

...have been worn since February 7th
(Except one day last week when we couldn't find them in the morning, but don't worry...they were found under a pile of dirty laundry before dinner and she put them on right after we found them. Crisis averted.)

If you don't believe me (or have some free time on your hands) feel free to look through every post of mine since February 7th & you will see Kate wearing these lovely shoes.

I got Kate these {high quality} pink dress shoes from Target for just $10
(a picture of the shoes brand new)

So, if I calculate correctly, she has gotten a good "cost per wear" out of these shoes.
Since she has worn them for about 90 days & they were only $10, it is about 11 cents per wear.
(One of Kevin's favorite things to to is calculate "cost per wear" on clothing/shoes)

To say that Kate is obsessed with these shoes is an understatement.
She totally freaks out they are missing or if I suggest she wears a different pair of shoes.
If you are friends with us or have seen Kate for the past few months, you will have noticed these shoes because they are in rough shape. Really rough shape. I don't think the pictures do them justice. She wears them with everything...jeans, pants, skirts, dresses, pajamas. All that matters to Kate is that she wears her pink flower shoes.
I told her on Sunday that it was going to be the last day she wore those shoes because they were too worn out. She had a mini meltdown & all day she told us how sad she was about her shoes. (manipulation much?!)
The past week she has been complaining that they hurt her feet.
But, that doesn't stop her...they are still the only pair of shoes she will wear!

So, it is time for an intervention and for these shoes to go in the trash.
I took her to Target to pick out a pair of new shoes & she wouldn't even try any on.
She said I could get Claire a pair of shoes instead. *sigh*
I did buy her a pair of sandals because summer is coming & these pink shoes just won't cut it anymore. But will she wear them? No.
I am picking my battles with her lately & letting this shoe drama go, but it I think it is time to nip this one in the bud.
Any tips or advice on how to get rid of this shoe issue would be much appreciated!

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