Saturday, June 24, 2017

10 on 10 September 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

It's September 10th! You know what that means....Luke is 1 month & 1 day old.
I can't believe how quickly this month has gone by.
Here is a peak at our day!

Good morning bright eyes:
Kate's school items ready to go, including her "homework" which was to bring in a paper with photos on it to use as writing prompts this year. I didn't want to cut & paste, so I made a collage in photoshop last night at midnight. Ha! (Kate did tell me earlier what photos she wanted to use)
Today Claire brought snack to preschool for her birthday, she picked ice cream of course.
My mom watched Luke for an hour & a half while I helped out in Claire's class today.
She loved her birthday crown.
{Her cute 4 shirt was a birthday gift from my friend Heather. Isn't is adorable?}

Kate & I walking back to the car after Kindergarten.
Milk Drunk babies who smile in their sleep. Gah! I die of cuteness.
Claire's Candy Shoppe Birthday Party was on Saturday (I will blog it this week).
These are some of the decorations I made & one of my Instagram friend/blog friend/Etsy shop customers is also having a Candy Party for her daughter in a few weeks and she was in my area today so I was able to meet her & give her this stuff.
Kevin is glad he doesn't have to store it & I am glad I don't have to throw it away and that it can get used for another party! Win-Win!
Kate checking out one of Claire's new birthday presents:
Chips & Salsa. Chipotle for dinner while we watch Monday Night Football!
2 very tired little girls getting ready for bed!
It has been a good day, but a busy day!
Hope you had a great 10th!

ten on ten button small

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