Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Being A Tourist In Our Own Town

We have been busy with Baby Bradley these past few weeks!  I love finding fun new things to do with him locally, and we have great zoos and aquariums super close!  You might have already seen on Instagram, but we visited the Minnesota Zoo and Sealife Aquarium and got year passes to both because we love them so much!  The Como Zoo is also nearby and is free, so that is on our to-do list!

First up was the Minnesota Zoo!  Bradley was so funny watching all the animals with Grandma.

We always love watching the bears.  And I think the bears love watching the people!

These flamingos have no idea how on trend they are!

The Discovery Bay is always a hit!

Then a few weeks later we went to Sealife Aquarium!  It's such a neat place and so weird that it is in the Mall of America!

Bradley loved watching the stingrays swim by.

So many pretty colors!

I try not to imagine these tanks springing a leak and being trapped in here...yeesh!

It is fun knowing we have a pass here now, so if we are ever running some errands at the mall we can pop in for a tour!

Bradley was not as excited about taking this picture as I was!

It is so fun being a tourist in your own town!  Locals, where else do we need to hit up?

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