Sunday, June 11, 2017

keri update

I talked to her tonight and the biopsy was negative!

Whew, what a relief. It's still not 100% certain since all biopsies can sample the wrong tissue---Keri put it best when she said it's like fishing in a big pond and trying to catch a certain fish but not the others. They will re-scan her in 6 weeks but for now this is an answered prayer. Thank you, God.

Also, the boobies are doing well. The new girls are hidden in bandages but I'm sure they are fabulous. A boob job and biopsy...all in a matter of two days. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Anyway, Ker was in good spirits and I could feel the relief in her voice. Thank you all for thinking of her. I know she appreciates it!

Totally unrelated: I updated my mysterious post below, if you didn't check back.

Totally unrelated x2: Did I mention that the marathon is in 3 weeks? And did I mention that two out of town weddings will sandwich the marathon weekend? Wedding in Kansas City, Marathon, and then wedding in St. Louis. This is otherwise known as three weekends of pure craziness [ie traveling, running, being sore, dancing, seeing old friends, my parents are coming!!!, etc].

So yeah, things are about to get real exciting around these parts. Be prepared, my friends. Pictures to come.

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