Saturday, June 24, 2017

Show Tell Tuesday Favorite Blog Posts

Today I'm excited about the topic of Show & Tell Tuesday...we are sharing our favorite blog posts!
Thanks for the fun link up Andrea! 
I have had fun going back and looking through some of my blog posts.
There are a few I knew I wanted to share.
In no particular order, here are 10 of my favorite blog posts:

I think sharing my most embarrassing moment EVER has to be on this list.
I was EPIC.
Can you guess what happened......
 I am glad I can laugh about it now. 
Read about it HERE
 I loved  my post "Yes, I am one of those Moms"
 I actually got nominated as one of Blogher's Voice of the Year for that post. Crazy!
I wrote about how I am one of "THOSE" moms who likes to make holidays/birthdays/etc special for their kids.

Birth Stories!!! 
I am OBSESSED with birth stories!
We didn't find out what we were having until they were born, so it was extra fun!
 Here are my kids birth stories:
 Kate (HERE)
 Claire (HERE)
 Luke (HERE)

I am also obsessed with baby names, so here is my post on why we chose our kids names:
Kate & Claire (HERE)
Luke (HERE)

I think this might be my all time favorite post.
It's called "Relish Your Role"
I wrote it after hearing a sermon at church.
At that time in my life I had A LOT of working mom guilt, so the sermon was perfect timing for me to hear and on that post I wrote from my heart & it felt so good to write about it.

When I confessed that I HATE Pumpkin Spice Latte's. 
Yes, it's true.
I love all things Fall & all things pumpkin except that nasty PSL. 
You can read about it HERE

 I loved writing about How I was the BEST MOM EVER....and then I had kids.
 Read about it HERE
As you know, I love posting recipes, so here is the most viewed post on my blog "Easiest Dinner Ever"

 This recipe has been viewed almost 2 million times. WHAT?!?!?
And, it is my most controversial is the post I have gotten the most negative comments on. You either love this recipe or you hate it. 
We love it...It's one of my go-to recipes. And, it's the easiest!

Basically, I love my slow cooker & use it at least once a week during the school year.
Here are a few more of my favorites....
Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas (HERE)

Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef (HERE) 
 Slow Cooker White Chicken Chili (HERE)

And, of course 2 of my FAVORITE cookie recipes:

Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies (HERE)

Best Snickerdoodles Ever (HERE)

In the past 8 years since I started blogging, I have posted over 150 recipes (!!!!)
You can see all my recipes in my Recipe Box tab or click HERE

You know I love throwing parties.
The most "popular" party & most viewed party that I have thrown is Claire's Cowgirl Party.
    I must say, that is probably my favorite party I have thrown also.
It's been almost 5 years since I threw that party and I think there is still some hay in our backyard from all those hay bales....Sorry Kevin ;)

Some of my other favorite parties have been:

Luke's 1st Nautical Birthday Party (HERE)

 Kate's Pizzeria Party (HERE)
I also really loved her Pancakes & Pajamas Party (HERE)

 You can see all my party posts HERE on the party tab!

Anytime I make a free printable, I get excited to share it with you guys!
It's one of my FAVORITE things to blog....I love being creative & sharing ideas with you!
I have  over 30 free printables on my blog.
The most popular downloaded ones have been my Christmas Cookie in a Jar Printable  
A close 2nd to my most downloaded free printable is my Thankful for You Pumpkin Bread Printable:
So, there you have it....some of my favorite blog posts that I have written over the past 8(!!!!) years.

I am sure I missed a few of my favorite posts, but I didn't have time to look through ALL my posts over the years.

Edited to add:
I can't believe I forgot 10 on 10!!

ten on ten button

This is one of my VERY favorite things to blog about.
You take 10 pictures on the 10th of the month
One photo every hour for 10 hours:
Documenting a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!
I have been participating in this since October for the past 8 years, I have done 10 on 10 posts....Those are by far some of my Favorite posts!
You can see all my 10 on 10 posts HERE

I will say, that I miss really sitting down and writing like I did in some of those posts like "Relish Your Role",  "Yes, I am one of those moms" and "I was the BEST MOM EVER. Then I had kids" 
I love writing those types of posts....I really want to start writing like that every once in a while.

If you made it through this post...Thank You!
Can't wait to read some of your FAVORITE blog posts!

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