Tuesday, June 27, 2017

weekend Bakers Bday Celebration

ya'll its Wednesday and Ive just now gotten my act together to share about our weekend. I suppose Monday I was recovering/cleaning/organizing the mess..and Tuesday I was actually STILL organizing the mess/recovering.. very little cleaning is happening these days, so don't be fooled. 
ANYway- this weekend, in particular Saturday, was SO FUN.  the day started at 5am and I didn't crawl into bed until well after midnight. it was a full day but it was really good!  
I plan to do a full party recap sooooon- Ashley McCauley is the talent behind the camera and I'm waiting (patiently) to get those beautiful pictures back. OOOH I can't wait! 
in the meantime, here are a handful of pics I snapped with my phone from that day!  

our day was fun all around, but when an icy cool treat arrived in the front drive, it was such a fun surprise for everyone!
 these might be my favorite pictures from that day. 
Baker was SO excited for the sno cone truck to arrive- it was a HUGE hit!!  I can attribute that idea to google + my nursing a newborn at 2am.
baker's suit + headband // my suit + mini bow
the adults got in on the slip + slide water fun action.. I don't have a ton of pictures of it because I took so many videos of grown men barreling down the slide..
I can't stop laughing at this video of Jordan.. 
..or this one of my brother, Patrick.. like a scared cat or something!
it was SUCH a fun day.. the party went on for hours.. it was hour 5 before everyone had finally left. 
but not before we got in a good family picture!! 

we ended the day with pizza at our favorite place- enjoying our little blondie officially becoming a two year old.

I can't wait to share more!  stay tuned:)

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