Saturday, June 17, 2017

Aunt Kates Amazing Toffee!

Last week I couldn't help myself.  I was craving something sweet, but easy to make, and something that I could just create and not have to go grocery shopping.  I was also craving Christmas (story of my life) because we had a cooler than normal day, and it hit me!  I was craving my Aunt Kate's toffee!

All my aunts and my mom are amazing cooks.  Like sickeningly amazing.  Every last one of them.  I grew up eating home cooked meals EVERY day of my life (not joking - when my brother was little my mom had him write out what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he wrote "perfessional pizza") so when I was pushed into the real world it hit me like a ton of bricks - food just isn't prepared and waiting for me to eat at all times?  For a while I learned to make do on Lean Cuisines and Chipotle, but there comes a point when you need some home cooking.  This is where I learned I actually like cooking, IF it is an easy enough recipe.  Long story short, this recipe is EASY!  I can't promise you that you won't get 12 cavities and gain 40 lbs because you can't stop eating it, but it is worth it!

Aunt Kate's Amazing English Toffee
1/2 lb butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 T. water
1 c. sugar
5 Hershey candy bars
crushed pecans or walnuts (I usually have walnuts waiting around so I use those)

Combine all ingredients into pan on stove, except the nuts and chocolate bars.  Cook on high heat, stirring constantly.  No really, constantly for 10 minutes (set a timer).  Don't stop!!  I usually catch up on Instagram or Facebook while stirring, or watch Flip or Flop or some HGTV show.  Place a jar of peanut butter near the stove (you aren't using this in the recipe) - when the toffee is done it will be the color of the peanut butter!  Once fully cooked and the color of your peanut butter, pour onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Distribute by tilting the tray back and forth.  Immediately break up the candy bars and place them on top of the toffee.  After 1-2 minutes, spread the chocolate evenly across the toffee with a knife and top with nuts.  Let cool until hardened and stuff your face before anyone else gets their paws on it!

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