Saturday, June 17, 2017

Pioneer Woman Potluck Party

Earlier this week I hosted a Pioneer Woman Potluck Party for some of my blogging friends who love the Pioneer Woman as much as I do.
I got the idea from my friend Julie, when she had one a few months ago!
Each person brought a PW dish & I had them email me what they were bringing so there were no duplicates.
Here is the menu close up:
I have made a TON of PW's recipes & amazingly, I hadn't had any of the ones that people were bringing, so I was so excited to try some recipes that I hadn't made before!
First up, drinks...served out of mason jars, of course!
I was in charge of drinks, which consisted of Chardonnay, Sparkling Water, Sparkling Lemonade & The PW's Watermelon Granita.

The Watermelon Granita was SO good. It tasted like a Watermelon snow cone. It is basically watermelon, lime juice & sugar blended up & frozen. The day of the party was hot, so this was a perfectly refreshing drink. (I also had Watermelon Rum on had in people wanted to add it to their Watermelon Granita)
Some of us added Sparkling Lemonade to the Watermelon Granita & that was also really yummy!
All of the appetizers were delicious!
Next was the salad course:

Again, all of them were amazing!
By this time, we were all totally stuffed, but there was still more food to be eaten!
From left to right: Rebecca, Tegan, Jessica, Keri, Heather
And, the other half of the table:
From left to right: Kim, Wendy, Heather, me, Becky
Finally we were ready for the "main course" which was Spicy Dr. Pepper Shredded Pork.
All the fixings:
These were so good!
And, we can't forget about the desserts...we had FIVE to eat!
I made these...Amazing. Brownies with caramel, pecans & chocolate chips. YES.
One word to describe all the food:
Group shot:
It was a fun night filled with good food & good people!
If you are a PW fan, I highly recommend having a PW Potluck Party!

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